DELTASKIN® BLACK MATTE PPF TOP TPU is a matte black thermoplastic polyurethane-based protective film that protects car paintwork and provides aesthetic decorative solutions on various body elements.
Signature Features:
Body part highlight or a complete change of a car color to matte black. Deep black color assure uniform dark satin appearance that lasts.
*All technical values given here above refer to the film before installation, are not absolute precise values and may differ from the specified parameters. All the provided specs are intended to be a measure of product comparison and should not be used in contracts, agreements, specifications or any other legal case. The consumer is solely responsible for evaluating a particular product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for chosen method and surface of application.
** Warranty is void if any terms of use, storage, installation, handling or maintenance are violated. Warranty does not cover the case of damage, performance, and appearance shift arising out of protective product purpose caused under normal operating conditions, which should be studied by the user alongside other possible effects before purchase. Warranty terms and conditions are subject to change, please visit for up-to-date information.
*** This function is effective at room temperature.
Warning! Technical, visual, or any other product features correspond to the description part of each product only, regardless of how consistent a description is to a product's image on the website.